
Gary J. Hernandez / Oil Painting Instructor About Oil Painting Classes How Do I Sign Up? Materials List About the Instructor Gary J. Hernandez Paintings Art Students At Their Easels Private Art Classes Location Info for Jerry's Artarama /Conroe Art League / The Woodlands Art League Testimonials


I have been studying with Gary Hernandez for about five months.  During this time I have benefited immensely from his teaching, his wide-ranging knowledge of art history, art materials and techniques.  He is always ready to share his insights generously and without reserve.  He is one of the best teachers that I have had.  I have made rapid progress as is obvious in this painting that is in its finishing stages.  This is the second that I have done in Gary's class.  It will need a lot of work yet before it is done but it would never have progressed to this level of finish as quickly as it did without Gary's help and guidance.  I am very grateful to him and appreciate the knowledge and skill that I am acquiring in his classes.  In addition to being an expert in his field his manner of teaching is always kind, supportive and patient.  I should have crossed his path many years ago but better late than never.

Peter Berndt, M.D.

October 2012