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Gary J. Hernandez / Oil Painting Instructor About Oil Painting Classes How Do I Sign Up? Materials List About the Instructor Gary J. Hernandez Paintings Art Students At Their Easels Private Art Classes Location Info for Jerry's Artarama /Conroe Art League / The Woodlands Art League Testimonials


One-on-One, Private Art Classes are offered for those students seeking individualized, personal instuction on a date and time convenient to both the student and the instructor's schedule.  Instruction is tailored specifically to the student's needs and goals.  Sessions are 1-1/2 hrs. long and are held in Mr. Hernandez's art studio. 

Price:  $65.00 per 1-1/2 hr. session

To sign up for the private classes, contact Gary J. Hernandez at 713.569-9209 or contact him via email garyhernandezstudio@yahoo.com 

Studio website:  www.garyhernandezstudio.com